Control Your LightShow Pi With the WebGUI

By Default, the webGUI is not started on a LightShow Pi installation. It is super simple and very useful to enable the webGUI.

I'm assuming the following:
  • You have a functioning RPi
  • Your RPi is on your home network and you know its IP address
  • You have a functioning LightShow Pi installation 

To enable the webGUI:
  1. Open up a terminal session
  2. Browse to /home/pi/lightshowpi/
    • $ cd /home/pi/lightshowpi/
  3. Enable the webGUI
    • $ start_microweb
That's it! Now, if you're connected to the same network as your RPi, you can open up a browser and go to http://<Pi IP Address>  to control your LightShow Pi.

Here's what mine looks like:

I didn't have to do step 2. I was able to start_microweb from the default terminal session path.


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