Enable SSH and RDP on your Rasberry Pi

By far the easiest way to work with a Rasberry Pi is through SSH.
The easiest way to transfer files to your Pi is to enable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

I'm assuming you have the following:
  • Working Rasberry Pi
  • Keyboard, Monitor, and Mouse connected to the RPi
  • Rasberry Pi connected to your home network

To enable SSH:

  1. Open up a Terminal Session and enter:
    • $ sudo raspi-config
  2. Select Interfacing Options
  3. Select SSH
  4. Enable > Yes

To connect to your RPi through SSH I'd recommend Putty (http://www.putty.org/)

To transfer files to your RPi, I find its really easy to copy/paste through a Remote Desktop session.

To enable RDP:

  1. Open up a Terminal Session and enter:
    • $ sudo apt-get install xrdp 

 Now you should be able to SSH into your RPi, and have a terminal session going or Remoted Desktop to your Pi from a Windows machine to copy/paste files over your network.


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